Susquehanna trades our own capital at our own risk. We are experts in systematic trading and trade essentially all listed financial products and asset classes, with a focus on derivatives. We handle millions of trading transactions around the world every day, thanks to our expertise within Trading, Technology, and Quant Research. Here are some of the products we trade:
Susquehanna's core business is options trading, and we are one of the largest options market participants globally. A significant portion of our resources are dedicated to maintaining the competitive advantage we have established in the options markets. We specialize in exchange-listed equity, index, and ETF options, covering every asset class worldwide.
ETFs + Equities
Susquehanna is a leading market maker in ETFs across the globe and one of the largest wholesale liquidity providers in US listed equities.
Fixed Income
Susquehanna maintains a diversified portfolio of actively-traded fixed income products including corporate bonds, convertible bonds, and fixed income ETFs.
Foreign Exchange
Susquehanna is an active participant in currency markets globally with a particular focus on trading options on ETFs, spot, and futures.
Susquehanna was an early entrant to the cryptocurrency market. We currently trade spot, futures, swaps, options, and ETFs on a wide variety of cryptocurrencies on exchanges around the world.
Susquehanna’s energy and power trading is informed by a strong fundamental understanding of weather prediction as well as supply and demand characteristics.
Susquehanna actively trades options and futures on many major commodities, including metals, oil and related products, natural gas, and agricultural products.
Our Businesses
While we started as a small group of traders on the floor of the PHLX, Susquehanna has evolved into a diverse group of companies.
By applying problem solving skills and mathematical creativity, we are able to crack open problems that have never been solved before. We apply a scientific discipline of rigorous thinking to the constantly changing financial markets.
We use cutting-edge technology and advanced modelling to ensure that we are ready for any market shift. We focus on the entire technology stack—always with the goal of evolving a stable, scalable, optimized environment with minimized risk.