Game Theory + Decision Science

Game theory and decision science are integral to our trading, our education, and our culture. We use our favorite games to hone our decision-making skills and apply them to complex financial markets.

We play a lot of games, but here are a few favorites...

Poker. The game of poker is valuable in more ways than you may think. We use poker to teach new traders about decision making under uncertainty. Our traders go through similar thought processes while evaluating the expected value of a given trade and deciding how to price risk.


Worth bragging about... we have 3 World Series of Poker Bracelet Winners at Susquehanna.

Chess. We have found that the best strategy does not necessarily depend on what has already happened in the game, but how the past actions of your opponents can provide insight into the way they think. The same principle can be applied to the markets.

Esports. Strategy is a huge part of certain video games and esports. We like action games that require reactions to small changes in a fast-paced environment.

Wizard. Wizard is a trick-taking game that incorporates an element of betting. Easy to learn and hard to master, we think this is a fun way to introduce candidates to gaming at Susquehanna.

Magic: The Gathering. Magic requires the same set of skills we use in trading: decision making with imperfect information, observation of your opponents, and strategizing to maximize your potential to win. This game is a big deal here, and so are some of our players.


Worth bragging about...Our head of trading in Sydney is a professional Magic: The Gathering player.

Strategic Board Games. Our favorite games require strategic thinking, pattern identification, and quick decision making. We like the challenge of Backgammon, Catan, Dominion, Hanabi, Power Grid, Love Letter, and The Resistance: Avalon – just to name a few. 

Team Sports. There are many lessons that carry over from playing team sports to working at Susquehanna. Each of us plays an important part in information gathering, assessing alternatives, execution, and risk management.

Raise Your Game. Check out our gaming strategy blog here.

Decision Science

Our philosophy emphasizes decision science concepts that help us make more informed decisions.


Click on each example to learn more about the concept and how it relates to trading.